The sections below will guide you step-by-step through the application process. We want to make this process as simple and easy as possible for you.
Note: New students will not be approved as transient to another college the first term of enrollment.Transient students from other colleges must speak with their HOME school's Financial Aid Office for financial aid information. In most cases, students cannot receive federal aid at 十大网赌平台推荐 as a transient student.
The application fee is $25, non-refundable. Former student application fee is waived.
You can make your payment online (if you apply online), in
person, by mail, or by phone at 770-228-7275.
If you have any questions about the application or admissions feel free to email or contact us at 770-228-7348.
To check your online application status, follow the instructions on Online Application Status.
NOTE: Transient students from other colleges must speak with their HOME school Financial Aid Office for financial aid information. In most cases, students cannot receive federal aid at 十大网赌平台推荐 as a transient student.
TCSG Procedure 6.2.2p: “Each college shall be responsible for the verification of the lawful presence in the United States of every successfully admitted student applying for Georgia resident tuition status as required by state and federal immigration laws.”
NOTE: Transient students from other colleges must speak with their HOME school Financial Aid Office for financial aid information. In most cases, students cannot receive federal aid at 十大网赌平台推荐 as a transient student.
You will need to provide a transient letter/agreement. Meet with the proper official
of your current college to obtain a transient letter stating which course(s) you will be
taking at 十大网赌平台推荐 and giving you permission to enroll.
Submit the required items to the Admissions Office at the campus where you wish to attend
Griffin Campus: (770-228-7348)
Southern Crescent Technical College
Admissions Office
501 Varsity Rd.
Griffin, GA 30223
Flint River Campus: (706-646–6159)
Southern Crescent Technical College
Admissions Office
1533 Highway 19 South
Thomaston, GA 30286
NOTE: Transient students from other colleges must speak with their HOME school Financial Aid Office for financial aid information. In most cases, students cannot receive federal aid at 十大网赌平台推荐 as a transient student.
Be sure to check your Online Application Stuatus to keep track of your application process. Statuses are updated as documents are received.
You should receive your acceptance letter in about 24-48 hours via email after you have been accepted.
Once accepted, student will need to contact the Registrar’s office at
十大网赌平台推荐 provides an orientation program to fully inform new and returning students on all areas of the College. The orientation session provides an opportunity for students to become familiar with the policies and procedures, and programs of study. It will also introduce students to the college administrators and student activities. Students are responsible for obtaining information presented at orientation sessions.
For details please visit the ROAR (Orientation) page.
Full payment of outstanding charges is due to the college the day before the semester begins.
For Tuition and Fees details/information, visit the Tuition and Fees page.
NOTE: Transient students from other colleges must speak with their HOME school Financial Aid Office for financial aid information. In most cases, students cannot receive federal aid at 十大网赌平台推荐 as a transient student.
The form will need to be signed by student and advisor, then returned to the Registrar’s Office or to
If Approved, Transient Permission Form will be sent directly to the requested school.
NOTE: Transient students from other colleges must speak with their HOME school Financial Aid Office for financial aid information. In most cases, students cannot receive federal aid at 十大网赌平台推荐 as a transient student.
Student will need to meet all requirements for entry at the school of their choice.
NOTE: Transient students from other colleges must speak with their HOME school Financial Aid Office for financial aid information. In most cases, students cannot receive federal aid at 十大网赌平台推荐 as a transient student.
Once Accepted, student will need to contact the school to register for courses.
NOTE: Transient students from other colleges must speak with their HOME school Financial Aid Office for financial aid information. In most cases, students cannot receive federal aid at 十大网赌平台推荐 as a transient student.
Once the course has been completed and grades have been assigned, student needs to submit an Official Transcript to 十大网赌平台推荐 Registrar Office, so that the grade can be transferred in and applied to their academic history.
NOTE: Transient students from other colleges must speak with their HOME school Financial Aid Office for financial aid information. In most cases, students cannot receive federal aid at 十大网赌平台推荐 as a transient student.
Student will need to fill out the Online GVTC Transient Permission Form at
Create an account, fill out the application and choose the school and classes they wish to take online at the TCSG institution.
NOTE: Transient students from other colleges must speak with their HOME school Financial Aid Office for financial aid information. In most cases, students cannot receive federal aid at 十大网赌平台推荐 as a transient student.
Student will get a verification e-mail sent to their student e-mail from 十大网赌平台推荐 stating they have been Accepted and processed. There will be additional directions they will need to follow to finalize their registration.
NOTE: Transient students from other colleges must speak with their HOME school Financial Aid Office for financial aid information. In most cases, students cannot receive federal aid at 十大网赌平台推荐 as a transient student.